Prezi Presentation


Design a Prezi presentation to showcase how beneficial the program is for businesses.

PROCESS (Programs, Tools, Skills, FOCUS principles)

I used Photoshop to create all my images for my presentation. I also used a clipart program that I am subscribed to ( This presentation was a lot more difficult than I thought it would be, but I just feel like I might have been overthinking the entire process. Once I simplified it in my head and came up with a topic that I am passionate about, then it became much easier to complete the presentation.

The process of creating my Prezi presentation went as follows:

  1. I spent a few days thinking over what I wanted to do my presentation on. I had my notebook with me in my purse and when a thought came to my head, I’d sketch out an idea, but nothing felt right. Finally I stopped overthinking everything and made a very short list of topics that I personally am passionate about, this let to my presentation on adoption.
  2. As with our previous project, I don’t feel that it’s imperative to spend hours on the sketches, so I quickly drew out an idea. Once my idea once on paper, it actually felt not so daunting of a task to complete the assignment.
  3. I watched a few Prezi presentations and videos on how to create them. The hardest part of this entire process was trying to figure out how the website to create the presentation. I didn’t think that Prezi was the most user friendly, but that might be because I still don’t feel like I have a grasp on it.
  4. Next I created all the graphics for my presentation. I had created a few more, but they just didn’t feel like they fit once I placed everything into the presentation.
  5. I inserted all the graphics and then went and added the text over each image.
  6. From here I watched the presentation a few times and condensed my text on a couple graphics. I did this also so that the graphics that had longer text, they would stand out more because all the other slides were simple.
  7. I then got my project critiqued by Brother Stucki and another friend. I made the adjustments from their suggestions and finished the presentation.


Brother Stucki critiqued my presentation and gave some very nice feedback. He complemented me on my flow and the power of my message. Then suggested that I adjust the font type on my title because it didn’t have enough contrast to the copy font. I agreed with his assessment and mostly hadn’t made the change before because I was tired of working on the presentation…just being honest. But after his comments on the title font, I knew I couldn’t get away with it and made the change in Photoshop and then uploaded the image back into Prezi. I had done my title in Photoshop because I didn’t want it floating around on the screen when someone looked at my presentation, I wanted it locked into place in the solid orange line I had put on the background.

I also had a friend, Annette, critique my presentation. She liked the message in my presentation and especially the graphic that talks about being enjoying the life we have been given and not the life we think we should be waiting for. She had the suggestion that it would be nice to be able to share a particular graphic in the presentation, but I did not see that as an option available within the Prezi program. My friend also liked the vibrant colors and the symbolism in some on some of the slides and said I probably didn’t need as much text if I really wanted to condense it even more, but I felt good about what I had written. I was also worried that since my friend knows the story of our adoption, that she knew what each image meant. So I felt like I should leave the text because someone that doesn’t know our story, they might not understand what’s happening.

My message was to show the journey of adoption and create an emotional response in the viewer.

My audience are people that have or will have children, whether biologically or adopted.

During this project I learned more about complementary colors and fonts. Creating graphics or magazine covers is easy for me, but making a presentation was very challenging. I learned how to condense what I say. When I originally laid out my presentation, there was way too much verbiage. I kept remembering that we needed to condense and make it about the picture, illustration, or graphic – so I made sure to do that.

Split Complementary // Blue, Red, and Orange

Elephant // Serif

Amatic SC // Sans Serif


SOURCE OF EACH IMAGE (website name and hyperlink) was used for some of the clipart and fonts (I have a subscription); the image of the infertile couple was taken from

All other graphics were created by me.

2 thoughts on “Prezi Presentation

  1. Hi Hannah. I really love your presentation. Adoption has always been close to my heart since my brother and sister were both adopted. I liked the bright colors in the background. It grabs your attention right away. I liked how you put text on the picture and had it zoomed in before you saw the whole picture. That was such an original idea. It was clever. Your choice of fonts were good. It was nice not to see just plain text. Great job! I can’t wait to see what you do with the other projects.

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